Your as strong as you believe you are, know your worth.

I am 100% in charge of my own destiny and don’t need to rely on someone else to help pave the path for me Im in control of my choices and for a good reason. My situation is not for others to understand or navigate people can say what they feel but it doesnt mean anything unless you give it power… know your worth and value and move forward as you are.. you have yourself to give yourself permission too.

I am not paving a new path for myself as Im already on my path and living life in my own lane, but I invite others to help me build my new path too.

A lot of the time we get bogged down by society, by outer judgement, by what other people think is right or wrong, the latest trend or what fits the standard run of the mill smile and nod. Or even worse being conditioned to fit inside the box.

Sometimes we try to be what we are not just to prove our self-worth. We try to please others to increase our self-esteem. We over-compromise with what we should receive. We let others’ judgements determine who we are.

One thing I learned from a very young age is that you need to stand up for yourself.

A small scenario was when I started a new primary school I had no friends I didn’t know anyone it was a small school so you knew who was popular who wasn’t and the in crowd was where everyone navigated just to fit in and to be cool.

I started to draw interest from a few of the popular girls and they asked me to do something, It didn’t take me a moment to honestly say “hard pass, do it yourself” it made me nervous I knew if I didn’t do what they asked they would either hurt me or leave me out. (Either way I would feel hurt) they were intimidating but I wasn’t going to take any shit.

They said you’ll be a loner and have no friends if I didn’t do as they asked so thats what happened unfortunatley but the truth was they where peer pressuring me to do something that would get me in trouble and I would have rather sat on my own at lunch than hang out with that type of crowd to be cool. I was not a door mat I was going through enough at home and was smart enough to know they weren’t my people. I knew my worth and my values were on point. I did eventually make a small group of friends who were more important to me than a group of bossy shallow girls. I needed depth in the people I was becoming friends with. Thats how I have always been to this day you can find your worth and have your needs meet with the right people be it rare to find (thats okay too be patient your people will come along).

You need to believe in yourself because no one is going to believe in you if you don’t. Sometimes it’s hard when there are so many people out there with egos the size of planets. There are people who are insecure around you or are intimidated by who you are afraid of your energy your message and try to block your way, your personality and your views. Own your truth and how you feel it’s so important to learn how too because then you will know who your people truly are.

One example is I know people who blatantly talk over me its terribly rude, not saying everyone does this some people do have a good moral compass and listen to you. I don’t know whether they are aware but unless your deaf and your over talking someone it is rude and blocking the freedom of speech on a subject they probably brought up. Even worse not give an inch when you feel strongly about something and they act awkward its all the same its deliberate and a form of insecurity and ignorance. People will devalue your views if they don’t feel the same chose your people wisely they will get it and see your views fairly without prejudice.

There are people who are “scared” scared that they’re going to lose their power in a situation over you or over people, to the self-driven and ambitious, to the fearless and determined. The freedom speakers the honest take on something or someone they shut us down. That’s right. There are people out there with larger than life ego s and once that is threatened, their self-defence gears start kicking in. Because they are trying to protect themselves, they try to push you and your views down.

It happens just brush them off its important to be heard, know your value.

Sometimes people make judgements based on tangible things like proven skill sets and years of living, it’s impossible to break through those stone chiseled views. What you can prove is that you have always achieved what you set yourself to achieve  be it finally signing up for your diploma, mastering a new skill, or running a small business to sell your goods you worked hard to create.

What most people don’t realize is that the intangible stuff is actually the fuel. The intangible stuff that you cannot see but feel, the intangible stuff you sense when you talk to a person —  the spark in the eyes, the enthusiasm in the tone of voice, the fearless attitude, and the determination that you’re going to master whatever you set your mind to. The power of the mind is the strongest and most significant asset one can have. Passion, self-drive, and curiosity — these things cannot be taught or acquired. You’re either born with it or you weren’t. If you’ve got it, no one can compete with you on that. And it’s the fuel. It’s the energy. It’s the gas or petrol that keeps you going. It’s your battery life. You’ve got that. And that   is the advantage that you have over other people. Don’t lose it. Don’t ever let anyone destroy it.

Obviously, not everyone wants you to be yourself they’re trying to manage you and maniplulate you condition you.

Obviously, not everyone wants to be dealing with a person with such spirit and drive, openness and strength to be themselves.

Don’t be disheartened by people who try to offend your self-worth because they are not worth your time. Respect yourself. Know what you’re worth. Don’t lower your self-worth for someone.

Walk away from those that under-value you. You’re worth more than that, your energy is worth more than that. You don’t need that kind of sh*t.

  • You are enough. 
  • You matter. 
  • Value yourself. 
  • You earned this. 
  • You are priceless. 
  • Value begins within. 
  • You deserve the best. 
  • You make a difference. 
  • You deserve everything. 
  • Your contributions matter.

Cassie x

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